A walk from south to north of Trench 24 11th July 2023

You can take a walk down the centre of Trench 24 using this sequence of five 360° images and clicking on the arrows. The main sequence was photographed on 11th July 2023, as were the side images of kilns and of a malthouse. You can step into these features as you wish, and then return to the main sequence. We are gradually adding notes to these images in due course; stepping through two yellow arrows and then choosing the arrow to the right will take you to Kiln 2 and show you the process we are following.

Using your computer's mouse, you can spin the images and zoom in and out. To walk back through the sequence, turn the image around using the mouse, and click to follow the arrows.

Note: For the purposes of accuracy, there is a small area beneath the camera when these images are taken which will show parts of the tripod on which the camera is mounted. The elements of the tripod have been removed in photo processing but leave a slight star effect which should not be interpreted as of archaeological significance.